Created by Greg Denehy / @gregdenehy
Built with Trianglify
You can add a background
to individual slides by adding
the data-trianglify
attribute to the slide section
<section data-trianglify data-trianglify-xColors="BrBG">
You can add a common background
for all the slides in the presentation
trianglify: {
cellSize: 75,
xColors: 'random',
variance: 0.75
Or you can set defaults used by slide
backgrounds and hide the common
background using the option displayAsTheme: false
trianglify: {
cellSize: 140,
variance: 0.5,
displayAsTheme: false
Choose from a range of color presets, a random preset, or specify a custom color profile
You can change the size of the triangles
You can change the randomness used
when generating triangles
Download reveal.js-trianglify and
add to your plugin folder
Read the docs for more info
And don't forget to check out
Credit to Quinn Rohlf for the Trianglify library